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Group: Root Admin
Reputation: 220
Missions Complete: 32
HaxMe is free and opensource. Any and all donations are appreciated!
HaxMe is at its point during the year where most of us are busy with their new school and work seasons. If I don't speak for you, know that I am very busy. Whenever possible, I'm going to continue to work on HaxMe. Coding a better system, releasing updated HaXMS revisions and making the site more 2.0 is always a goal of mine... I've been reading everyone's responses to the survey which has been on HaxMe for a few months, and the most requested feature is a help system for the missions. I've started the system with a basic syntax of: 1. Mission name 2. Mission difficulty 3. Requirements 4. Objective 5. Explanation of what is being required + mini-tutorial 6. Sources, which if studied upon, WILL get you through the mission... [READ MORE]
Maecenas eget eros lorem, nec pellentesque lacus. Aenean dui orci, rhoncus sit amet tristique eu, tristique sed odio. Praesent ut interdum elit. Sed in sem mauris. Aenean a commodo mi. Praesent augue lacus. Read more...
Aliquam elementum felis quis felis consequat scelerisque. Fusce sed lectus at arcu mollis accumsan at nec nisi. Aliquam pretium mollis fringilla. Nunc in leo urna, eget varius metus. Aliquam sodales nisi. Read more...
This is a black box, you can use it to highlight some content. Sed sed lacus nulla, et lacinia risus. Phasellus vitae sapien ac leo mollis porta quis sit amet nisi. Mauris hendrerit, metus cursus accumsan tincidunt.Quisque vestibulum nisi non nunc blandit placerat. Mauris facilisis, risus ut lobortis posuere, diam lacus congue lorem, ut condimentum ligula est vel orci. Donec interdum lacus at velit varius gravida. Nulla ipsum risus.
What exactly is HaxMe? If a few words could describe HaxMe: Opensource, Knowledge, Free. Click [Here] to learn more.
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